I did this Illustration for the Homefront Contest on Deviant Art. I have not done a full illustration like this in a while so I gave it a go to apply some of the knowledge I've gathered and maybe learn something new in the process.
I started by doing a rough sketch. Working out the perspective and overall composition.
Blocking in some color to find something I like. I went with an overall blue color scheme and added some warm reds and oranges to the character to make him stand out form the cool background
Started to render here, adding in some detail and texture.
Bumped up the blue in the background to create more contrast with the character.
More rendering in the foreground.
I felt like there was something missing and I wanted to add more movement so I decided on adding a tattered flag.
Added some glow effects to the light sources with a color dodge layer.
Added some debris flying around, some explosions in the background and enlarged the spaceship on the left to make it look more threatening. I also added more damage and cracks to the top of the building to avoid the tangent with the top of the page.
And here is the finished illustration. I did some color adjustments and slapped on the logo and then submitted my artwork to the contest and hoped for the best :)
You can check out the contest here: http://nightshadeberry.deviantart.com/art/Homefront-597744746
You can watch the video here:
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